Only 2 Days in January
Covering Brad, Ready for a Break
Brad on Wed for Marlin
Alexis Quarantined
Notes for Bus Meeting Tomorrow
Brad Wed, Thurs, Fri?
Kate this afternoon?
Kaci's in Quarantine
Stop Arm Violation
Can't, Leaving for Utah
Sub Today? End of JH Volleyball Season
Good for today?
Ready to drive tomorrow?
Not thinking clearly
Concussion Day
Trim Trees for Rayf Pickup
Transit Windows for Curtis
Friday, September 18, 2020
12:59pm Me: Keys to the suburban and Expedition are in the box. Also, Curtis was out on a step ladder scrubbing the windows of the transit. Maybe we should have whoever fuels the transit wash the windows while they're there so de don't risk him falling off a ladder.
1:01pm Jim: Probably a good idea...
Rayf, early pickups?
Friday, September 11, 2020
10:55am Jim: Hey Kimberly, will you be available for Rayf's second pickup some days like we did last year?
11:11am Me: Remind me what that looked like? Seems like it was 10:00ish. Yes, depending on mom's wound care. She has appointments on Tuesdays but the time is inconsistent and I don't find out until the morning of.
11:14am Me: Also, I noticed there's an early dismissal day next week. It seems like I helped Wendy those days but I can't remember if it was taking Rayf home or driving her route. I am not available to drive the route this time but could probably do Rayf if needed.
11:51am Jim: Rayf is 10:15. If he needs a pickup on a day you are busy we'll figure something else out. I'll check with Wendy about early dismissal.
11:51am Me: 10:15 will work.
Missed that I'm Subbing for Kate
Friday, September 4, 2020
8:08am Me: Jim, I'm so sorry. It seems I somehow missed that I am subbing for Kate today. It's not on the schedule and I don't remember a conversation about it. I'm not in a position today to pick up that route. I apologize for the stress this is causing.
8:47am Jim: No need to apologize, if you didn't know about it that's my fault!! We'll get it covered.
8:50am Me: It may just as well have been mine. I do remember Kate asking about a Sub during hte bus meeting and you saying "that would be Kimberly." I didn't write it down or put it on my calendar. My poor brain is so full right now. I'm sorry.
8:50am Jim: Lol, it's fine.
Can you Sub Tuesdays?
Thursday, August 27, 2020
3:24pm Jim: Can you give me a call when you have a sec? ***WARNING!!! I'm going to ask you to sub some days***
3:46pm Jim: 9/1, 9/15 and 9/29 are all Tuesdays. Would you be willing to sub instead of taking CC?
4:02pm Me: Yes. I cleared my Tuesdays for the month of Sep. Does that mean there isn't a driver for CC?
4:34pm Jim: Pam and Abby could stuff them in a couple of vans and get them there...
4:38[m Me: You may need a third vehicle driver for them. Maybe a parent who is also staff? Their team is really big this year.
Trees Trimmed
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
8:36am Me: I found the spray you left on #20. Thank you! Also, the city did a fantastic job on the trees on east main. I ran into trees on 6th street between Jefferson and Adams. Can we have those trimmed too please?
XC Practices, Can't Train
Friday, August 21, 2020
11:50am Me: I talked with Pamela and made special arrangements with my Tuesday students. Go ahead and schedule me for XC practices on Tuesdays through September.
11:58am Me: Also, if Wendy is available, it will probably be best to have her do the bulk of the driver training. When I responded yesterday I wasn't even thinking that I'm currently driving family members to appointments at the hospital 4 times a week. That fills the time slot I was hoping to use to work with the new drivers. I'm so sorry. I can still come get Becky familiar with the manual and get her started though.
2:43pm Me: I forgot to walk Becky through time sheets! If you didn't already cover that with her she's going to need that for Mon.
New Driver: Becky Stelling
Thursday, August 20, 2020
12:01pm Jim: We have another new driver! Becky Stelling is going to do the VoTec route. Would you be interested in doing some of her training or should I ask Wendy? I know you already have Bailey so I didn't know if that would be easy or hard to add another:)
12:08pm Me: Oh yay! I just her a few weeks ago. She'll be a great addition! I'm happy to train her too. It's easy to double up and more efficient.
12:09pm Jim: Sounds great. We can always split up driving time if we need to.
12:17pm Me: One thing we've run into with Balie, testing appointments in Hutch are currently being scheduled out in Oct. We're looking into other locations, but I can't get them behind the wheel at all until they have that permit. Then it's two weeks until they can do a driving test. So, we're currently looking at not having licensed drivers until late Oct/early Nov. We may have to be creative with the schedule until then.
2:12pm Jim: Yikes...
2:13pm Jim: Becky will be in tomorrow at 1:30 to fill out paperwork. Would you like to come in to talk about what training will entail?
2:41pm Yeah. I'll come in.
#27 Fluid Leak
Saturday, August 15, 2020
8:01am Me: Bus #27 has a fluid leak of some kind. I let Brad know. He's taking a look at it Mon.
9:44am Jim: Thanks Kimberly
9:47am Me: Balie Gillespie +1 620-278-6587
9:49am Me: Maybe add Clark to your driver group as well.
Getting Ready for Next Week
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
11:38am Me: Hi. Just checking in to see if Bus #20 is scheduled for anything in the next few day (Highway Patrol inspections, etc). If not I thought I'd pull it over to my house and give it a thorough cleaning before next week.
11:39am Jim: It is all inspected and read for you!
11:42am Me:
Thanks! How are you holding up? I watched the board meeting yesterday. You're doing a great job under some pretty intense pressure. I know I shine about being busy and stressed out but is there anything I can do to help carry your load in the bus transportation department?11:44am Jim: Thanks:) I appreciate that. I think we're moving along. We have Susan Zs replacement learning the ropes so that is helping. I think it is all moving along. We may need some help with rider lists later this week.
11:50am Me: I saw that. I think Amy is going to be great in that role. With rider lists: I've already reached out to Lydia over at the preschool. The last two years we've me together shortly after enrollment to coordinate preschool bus riders. Once that info is available I can organize my route and get a copy submitted to the office.
12:24pm Me: Also, something to consider: Depending on the # of preschoolers riding the bus and where they live, Kaci and I have had anywhere from 5-25 min of downtime between routes. If we end up having more time than not this year, we could feasibly help with some bus cleaning/disinfecting during that space of time.
Replies to Yesterday
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
11:28am Jim: Yes, let me call and make sure things are squared away.
5:12pm Me: Also, yes, I feel comfortable working with Baily. I trained Rick last summer. I'll get in touch with her.
Pick from Inman & Training Bailey?
Monday, June 22, 2020
9:15pm Me: Hi. Mark mentioned the bus over at Inman is probably finished. Would you like us to go pick it up?
9:30pm Jim: Yes, that would be great Kimberly. Also, Bailey would like to become a sub driver. Would you feel comfortable doing observation and drive time with her?
9:31pm Me: You bet. What do I need to know about Inman? Do I just pick up the keys? Robert always handled that.
Work Lunches in June?
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
7:15pm Jim: Hey Kimberly, we are going to do school lunch Mon, Wed, and Thurs. Starting June 1st until June 30th. You could work 1 hour or 1.75 hours. The pay is $14/hr. Would you be interested in working any of that?
7:36pm Me: Honestly, I have a household of little people that need me here. I'm willing to work some if there isn't enough interest, but if you get a good response from others I'm fine to sit this one out.
7:40pm I understand :) Thanks Kimberly. I'll let you know.
Reporting: Busses Back in Lot
Saturday, May 16, 2020
9:50am To Jim: Just reporting: I've got the buses moved back to the lot, all but #23, it's got a dead battery. I'll tackle that one on a drier day. It's over on the east side so the pull through is all clear for computer check-ins on the 20th.
Rain Cover for Lunch
Friday, April 24, 2020
11:24am To Jim: We're starting to get sprinkled on. Is there any way we could use your shelter again. Maybe just down at peace park.
No Hoarding Article
Thursday, April 23, 2020
9:01am Jim: Saw this and thought of you. π
9:58am Me: I love it. π
10:05am Jim: I went shoe shopping once when I only had three kids and the salesman commented "What are you, a baby factory?" I can't help it if his kids aren't as cut and intelligent as mine. π I promptly turned around and took my business else where.
10:07am Yikes!
10:08am It's nice being in KS in the company of families like Dwayne Wilson's instead of AZ where you were strange if you wanted more than 2 kids.
Lunch Sub for Allergies
Thursday, April 16, 2020
11:34am Me: Good morning. Is there someone who can drive lunches for me tomorrow? I'm in the middle of seasonal allergies. No real health concerns but it manifests as chest congestion and an awful cough. I don't want o cause anyone else any panic.
11:36am Jim: I'll do it! It's good to get out and see the kids a bit.
12:47pm Me: Thank you! π
Moving Busses for new gravel
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
10:27am Me to Jim:
I'm moving buses so the lot can get new gravel. #28 has a check engine warning.10:35am Me: #23's battery is flat.
Working Late
Friday March 20, 2020
1:50pm Me to Jim: The lone vehicle down at the high school. Thank you for your diligent efforts on behalf of our kids and our community.
Driving Rayf Thurs, Fri?
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
8:34am Me: Just making sure, am I driving Rayf on Thurs (AM/PM) and Fri (AM) as well? I'm Wendy those days.
8:37am Jim: Yes please
#29 Loose Oil Filter
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
12:02pm Jim: Hey Kimberly, can you take Rayf home at 1:00 tomorrow? Then dismissal is at 1:30.
12:11pm Me: π
12:38pm Me: #29 is leaking oil and about a quart low. I'll run it to Co-op right after dropping off JH kids and keep you posted.
1:10pm Jim: Yikes, thanks
2:24pm Me: The oil filter was a little loose. Co-op tightened the filter, cleaned up the mess and topped off the oil. Should be good to go tomorrow.
2:48pm Glad you caught that. That could have been ugly half way to Manhattan π³
Mounting First Aid Kits
Friday, January 31, 2020
11:28am Jim: Yeah, I did that wrong...Are there 6 brackets in there?
11:30am Me: Sorry about that comment. I do that to my poor kids all the time. "Thanks. You did it wrong but thanks."
11:30am Jim: Lol, I'm glad you said something!
11:32am Me: There are only two brackets on the bus. I was thinking about it, I think the way you have it is fine. We won't be able to take the first aid kit with us for a drill, but in an emergency those handles are perforated so you can pull the kit off with a little effort.
11:33am Jim: I'll hunt down some brackets. The first aid kit is metal. That one might be tough to pull off :)
11:35am Me: Good point! Thanks again for getting out there and working on it. I feel a lot better having everything secure.
12:12am Jim: The gear indicator light on 27 seemed to work when I turned the lights on. Were you talking about the light that is on the shifter,behind the letters so you can see what gear you are in?
12:24pm Me: yes, that's the light I'm talking about but I think it was on Bus#29. It's whichever but I took to State Debate.
12:32pm Me: #20 is back now if you need it.
12:35pm Me: The garage and supply closets look AMAZING. Kudos to whoever did that.
12:37pm Mark did that.
Maintanence Report
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
7:59am Me to Jim: Maintenance Report: Bus #27 Step light is out and the emergency exit alarm is chirping like one of the latches is loose. I checked and double checked them all but can't determine which one it is.
8:00am Me: Also, you asked about the sleeping child alarms yesterday. I don't think #27's is active.
#31 Fender Dammage
Sunday, January 26, 2020
1:07pm I just remembered #31 has additional damage that I witnessed. The front fender happened a few months ago in the parking lot of Kansas Bus. Robert caught the fender on a snow plow blade as he was attempting to park in the over-crowded lot.
Info for Accident Report
Friday, January 24, 2020
12:37pm Jim: Hey, Kimberly, bus 31 has some damage that Robert never filled out an accident report for. Do you know what happened? No one is in trouble because Robert obviously knew about it (he got a quote for the repairs). I just need to know what happened so I can file an insurance claim.
3:45pm Yes. I do know what happened. I'm working concessions right now but will get that info to you when I'm done.
4:06pm Me: I pulled into a parking lot at McPherson college that turned out to be tighter than anticipated. I caught a fence pole while reversing to make the turn.
The "love tap" mentioned in this text is on Bus #30- front, upper right, just behind the door. That one was from that awful day last year when I got lost subbing Jenny's morning route to Alden. I got tangled in a tree while trying to make a tight turn out at Bagby's.
Delayed Start, only PM PreK
Tuesday, January 22, 2020
8:12am Me: Good morning! It looks like you've been out and about bright and early. I've been in contact with Mr. Lydia this morning. With the delayed start morning Preschool will not be held today, just afternoon. I don't seem to have contact info for Bailey Gillespie. Can you please let her know that I will pick her up in front of her house at 11:50 to pick up afternoon students? Thank you. π
8:26 am Jim: She'll be at school. Just pick her up at the back doors.
8:27am Me: Perfect. Thank you.
To Jim: Confused about Robert
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
8:18pm Jim: Balie will be back there at 11:00.
8:21pm Me: Thank you! Also, I know you have an awful lot going on, but is there any way we could visit sometime tomorrow? I'm really surprised and confused about what's going on with Robert. I'd like to understand where all of this is coming from.
8:27 pm Jim: I'd be happy to talk to you first thing in the morning. I have to go to a meeting at 9 and will be gone most of the day. I probably won't be able to answer your questions, but I can tell you his situation has nothing whatsoever to do with Thursday's trip.
8:38 pm Me: Thanks. I'm regrettably not available first thing in the morning. I was able to visit with a couple of board members today who said just about the same thing as you before encouraging me to visit with you. There must be much that I'm not seeing because he has been so good for me to work with. I guess at this point all I can ask is that his many years of dedicated service to the district and the community will be considered. If separation is inevitable I hope it will be handled as respectfully as possible. After so many years a dishonorable discharge seems unfair and rather bitter to swallow.
8:51 pm Jim: You are a good and loyal person and I appreciate your comments. The worst part of my job is having to make decisions that negatively affect people and their families, and not be able to explain why. I promise you I have taken those factors into consideration and I have been sick to my stomach since Monday morning, but my recommendation has to be based on what is best for our students and the district.
8:52 pm Me: He was just so close to retiring as it is. I know this is tough. Thanks for listening.
State Debate Ice Storm Departure
Friday, January 17, 2020
1:10 AM Jim: Let me know when you get there.
2:04 AM Me: We just pulled into the hotel.
2:07 AM Jim: How bad was the drive?
2:09 AM It was not bad at all. It got really wet the last 30 minutes, but not slick at all.
New Magnet
Balie must have had trouble with the papers falling on her while driving too. Fancy new types schedule held up by a much stronge...

Friday, September 4, 2020 8:08am Me: Jim, I'm so sorry. It seems I somehow missed that I am subbing for Kate today. It's not on the...
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 7:59am Me to Jim: Maintenance Report: Bus #27 Step light is out and the emergency exit alarm is chirping like ...
I'm hanging out with Pamela Simpson, Abby Giles and their cross country team this afternoon. They've got a full crew this year wit...