Work Lunches in June?

 Tuesday, May 19, 2020

7:15pm Jim: Hey Kimberly, we are going to do school lunch Mon, Wed, and Thurs. Starting June 1st until June 30th. You could work 1 hour or 1.75 hours. The pay is $14/hr. Would you be interested in working any of that?

7:36pm Me: Honestly, I have a household of little people that need me here. I'm willing to work some if there isn't enough interest, but if you get a good response from others I'm fine to sit this one out.

7:40pm I understand :) Thanks Kimberly. I'll let you know.

Reporting: Busses Back in Lot

 Saturday, May 16, 2020

9:50am To Jim: Just reporting: I've got the buses moved back to the lot, all but #23, it's got a dead battery. I'll tackle that one on a drier day. It's over on the east side so the pull through is all clear for computer check-ins on the 20th.

New Magnet

Balie must have had trouble with the papers falling on her while driving too. Fancy new types schedule held up by a much stronge...