Wed, Mar 21 Drive VoTec Tomorrow?

Wednesday, March 21, 2021

11:26 am Jim: Hey Kimberly, if I can get Jenny to do your pre K route can you do Votech in the morning? 

11:27 am Me: Yes, I can do that.  What do I need to know? 

And, welcome back. We've missed you. 🙂

11:32 am Jim: Thanks!

The van leaves SHS at 7:00 and drops kids off  at the Hutchinson Career&Tech Ed Academy and a few to a work site. Then you can hang out in Hutch until 10:45 when you have to pick the kids up at the job site and Academy and bring them back to SHS. Becki can give you the address of the work site.

11:33 am Me: Perfect. Does Beckie have keys or do I need to swing by the office and grab them? 

11:42 am Jim: Becky has a set

1:14 pm Me: 👍

Wed, Mar 10 Kate's Early Dismiss Friday & Rayf

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

9:29 am Jim: Good morning! Can you sub for Kate's afternoon route on Friday?

9:29 am Me: Yes

9:29 am Jim: Thank you!

9:39 am Me: It's an early release day correct? Do I need to help with Rayf that day as well? 

9:31 am Jim:  Shoot, let me check.

9:32 am Me: I usually take Rayf early and can help with both. Just checking in case Rayf's plans are different that day. 

Sun, Mar 7 Sub for Pep Bus?

Sunday,  March 7, 2021

12:37 pm Jim: Hi Kimberly, Would you be able to sub for Jenny tomorrow if we send a pep bus?

12:39 pm Me: Let me check with some people and see what I can arrange. 

12:50 pm Me: Okay, all set. I can Sub Jenny's route.

6:04 pm Jim: Awesome! Thank you Kimberly

New Magnet

Balie must have had trouble with the papers falling on her while driving too. Fancy new types schedule held up by a much stronge...