New Magnet

Balie must have had trouble with the papers falling on her while driving too. Fancy new types schedule held up by a much stronger magnet. 

Ryder Long's grandma approached me about driving Ryder to Lil' Cubs. It sounds like she may start helping over there. 

She's from California and is here helping her kids get settled in their new home.  She asked about small homes to buy or rent. We may have a potential tenent/ buyer for Mom's house. 

Visiting Bear

Alayna's mom picked her up today so Kaci and I stopped at the house to visit Bear with our extra time.  Bear is always so happy when Kaci visits. 

No Omari. He was sick Tuesday,  then rode yesterday,  then isn't riding today, but should be back to school on Thursday. 🤷‍♀️

Schneider's planted grass seed.  It's sprouting and coming up nicely! 

Picture Day

 It's picture day. My preschoolers all look so nice and cleaned up in their picture day clothes. All that is except Ronin who got on the bus from Lil' Cubs with his shirt all kinds of colors of lunch. His mom is in for a fun surprise. Kallie's rose colored, ruffle sleeved jumper was especially cute. 

Kaci says she had a epic mom fail and forgot it was picture day. She usually has Linlee dressed to the 9s on any given regular day so I bet it's not as bad as she thinks. But she feels really bad about it.

I got a message from Olivia Glass's mom, Dorothy Mead this morning stating that she really needed my help getting Olivia to Alden today. She was home, not working at Lil' Cubs like usual, and she didn't have a car. I told her I was sorry but I couldn't alter the route like that or the entire PM preschool would be 20 minutes late to class. I suggested she call a family member, friend, or neighbor. My heart ached for her the entire route and I contemplated telling her that as an individual and not as an employee of the district, I could pick Olivia up in my personal vehicle and bring her home. The only draw back was that I went straight from my route to a funeral in Hutch and wouldn't be back in town until around 3:00.

My heart broke even more when after my route I found a message stating that she didn't have a family member, friend, or neighbor she could call on. I know how that feels. It helped me see how far I've come and how blessed I am to not be in that situation anymore. Dorothy said she'd call the district office and see what could be worked out. I haven't heard anything so I assume some solution was found.

Homecoming Assembly

 It's Homecoming Week! This afternoon there was an assembly up at the high school and the grade school children were invited to attend. They were told to wear Black Bear gear, which I forgot all about. My girls were in their normal non-black bear clothes. I could see from the colors on the playground that they were among the very few who were not in black, grey and white. I contemplated running home after my route and dropping of shirts for them. Or possibly taking them to the assembly to throw on really quickly. As the day played out that never happened, but Vivian didn't care one bit and Isabel never mentioned it.

Aylise was wearing an adorable pre-school sized Black Bear cheer outfit that I'm sure her Grandma Tommer embroidered.

Mr. Riffel reached out to Wendy who reached out to the other drivers about shuttling the younger students up to the assembly. There was text conversation bouncing back and forth throughout the day. I first heard from Ms. Lydia asking if I could bus the preschoolers. Then, Balie and I worked out that she would pick up a big bus and I would take the shorter one, then I'd switch her for her route and go park the big bus for her. Then I called her because I realized that didn't make much sense. I would be better for her to leave the big bus at the school then go park it after her route because she'd have a car parked up at the lot. Then Wendy called saying we didn't really need to be taking four different buses and could I just use a big bus and take preK and kindergarten. That meant Balie wasn't driving a shuttle at all. Since I was still trying to emotionally process everything we learned from Isaac's heart doctor this morning I called Balie and asked if she wouldn't mind driving preK and Kindy instead. So after all that back and forth all day, I ended up not driving at all. Earlier today I had thought to get a picture of the grade-schoolers at the assembly that I could use for this post, but I ended up spending the afternoon at home napping off some emotional exhaustion.

Isabel and Vivian said the assembly was fun. Mostly because Mrs. Beagley dressed in full football gear and tackled her son who is a player. Some of the other football mom's did as well, but Mrs. Beagely is special because she's Vivian's teacher. 

Oh, also, Balie left a bag of wire hangers on the bus for us to give to Dani VonV. I believe she's getting clothing ready for the upcoming consignment sale. Just a little something out of the norm.

A Chat with Exum's Mom, The Famous Mustache, Schneider's Tree House.

Exum's mom,  Jessica, is picking him up today.  She's taking the kids to play with cousins while her brother and sister-in- la go to the funeral home.  They had a full- term baby recently who's lungs never would expand. So heartbreaking.  It was nice to chat with Jessica while waiting for the kids to come out though.  She's always so pleasant. 

Everleigh and Jeremiah are both sick today. 

Without Exum we took a different route out to Alayna's, going easy on Ave V then North on 22nd. That's the same way we come to town from her house but seeing in from the other direction gives a whole different perspective. 

Corn harvest must have stayed over the weekend. Most of the golden fields have been cleared,  gone just like that. 

We had a bit of extra time but not enough to go into town to drop off paperwork, so I stopped for a few minutes by the tracks on the way out to Kallie's.

Omari is in a good mood today. 

Parker is back!  He's been struggling with some yummy problems and has been home for the last few days. 

Maci is here but not feeling well either. Her Pretty blue eyes look miserable.

Here's a picture of Aveyn and that mustache of her dad's that I've been talking about. It's even better without the hat. 

Aylise is hanging out with her Papa, Officer Tommer, today.  She was enjoying her te seeing when we pulled up. 

Derek was out enjoying his lunch hour in his back yard again today. Schneider's tree house may be the one in my dreams last night.

We arrived at the school just early enough that I drove around the block one.  Louis Wenzel was out on the turf with his class and stopped to wave 👋 at us.  I miss stopping having a Wendel on the bus this year. 

Our Fan Club

Vivian and Laikyn climb the rock wall and wait to wave at the bus each day.  Today we stopped for a picture and a whole crew of girls came running. 

Olivia Glass must have caught whatever her sibling had because Dorothy was back at Lil' Cubs today, but Olivia was not.

Everleigh is back to living with the Jordans. Yesterday Kyndie and Krystal were out to greet her. Today it was Dale.

Alayna's mom picked her up today so after we delivered Exum to his sweet mama we headed back to town. I turned in all my paperwork yesterday, and Balie filled the bus; so made a stop by my house to visit Bear. Kaci has a super soft heart when it comes to animals. She usually asks now and then if we can stop in to see Socks and Bear. This was her first stop since Socks died. Bear has been feeling down lately. I don't know if he doesn't feel well, or if he's just lonely with everyone back to their school routine. Either way he was super happy to sit on the bottom stair of the back porch while Kaci loved on him. I used my time to grab a snack. For some reason I was incredibly hungry. Left-over potatoes was my snack of choice, hoping it would really fill me up.

Kallie's little sister is out on the back porch with Mom or Grandma when we pull up each day. She has the sweetest little wave and is always sure to share it.

Omari was really slow to come out today. I almost honked. I'm glad I didn't because he was really sad as he walked to the bus and climbed on.
Parker wasn't at Lil' Cubs today. I'm starting think there must be a lot of illness going around.

Ayven's dad has been home to put her on the bus the last few days. He's a super sweet dad and he and Shelby and their kids make a cute little family. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to his "Goose from Top Gun" haircut and mustache though.

After picking up Aylise we always drive past Derek (Dirk) and Faith Schneider's house. This summer Dirk build his kids a fun tree house. We've been watching the fence around his yard come together the past few weeks. Yesterday when we drove past Derek was sitting on the porch in his backyard having lunch and enjoying his fine handiwork. Today he wasn't there, but for some reason both Kaci and I checked just in case. It things like that we enjoy most on our daily route.

Beautiful September

September has come in beautifully.  Temperatures are pleasantly in the 70s, the corn fields have turned golden. And the sunflowers 🌻 are in full bloom. 

Olivia Glass's mom,  Dorothy Meade, reached out this morning about dropping Olivia off at home in Allen.  She's got a sick child so she won't be working at Lil' Cubs today.  I had to tell her:

"I'm really sorry.  We actually don't physically have enough time to get to Alden and back on our route this year.  We've got students who get dropped off daily in almost every corner of the district and I have a set window between morning and afternoon preschool. Every minute we add for additional stops would make the afternoon kids late for class by that much. 

With six children of my own I understand how challenging things can be when kids get sick,  but you will need to come in and pick Olivia up today if she is not riding to Lil' Cubs.

I wish blessings of health to you and your family."

Olivia's dad was at the school waiting for her when I walked past on my way to the bus.  He was super fidgety: changing positions,  watching the class through one of the windows,  writing a message to Olivia on his vehicles dirty back window. Kaci commented that he must be on something (high on drugs). That hadn't even crossed my mind. He's a little creepy though. 

Alayna has alfalfa fields surrounding her home.  The tractor was put cutting when we drove by.  Freshly cut alfalfa is one of my favorite smells and always reminds me of home. 

We also enjoyed Alayna's ewe who was out to greet Kaci today.  

I had an intuition thought about stop arm violations just before stopping in front of Ayven's on Broadway. I was extra careful to wait for a decent gap in traffic before activating my stop arm and watched to make sure all traffic, especially oncoming,  intended to fully stop. Everyone did with no problems at all.  Sweet Ayven was distraught and in tears up on her porch but not taking any longer than usual to board. As she approached the bus I glanced out the driver's window to my left to find the white truck that had been completely stopped well in from of me creeping past the bus.  He was going slow enough that I had time to honk, point at the stop arm,  and observe his "I couldn't care less" response. I hollared at Kaci to grab his license plate number,  but by the time she register what I'd said it was too late. I need to do better at listening to those inner thoughts I have. They're promptings from the Spirit that come so gently I don't recognize or respond. 

Everyday when Jeremiah get off the bus he asks,  "Where you park your bus?"  I respond,  "I park it back there behind us." He then answers,  "Oh you park it with the other busses. Why you do that?" Then he gets off.  Every. Single. Day.

Mr. Hammer, his wife,  and their newborn baby were out for a little mid-recess walk.  Such a cute family. 

Settled into Routine

I don't feel we often have days when our route could be considered "normal." It seems something noteworthy is always happening.  Today was as normal as they get.  If feel We've finally settled into the new year and our bus routine.  We had all regular AM children ride to their normal stops and all PM children ready and waiting without any hangups. 

Observations of interest: 
There was no PreK last Friday and Monday was Labor Day. 

I found an XL black hooded T-shirt on the bus when I got on.  Balie says she found it this morning,  damp like it had been on here all weekend. 

Today is Everleigh's last day at Sharron's. Tomorrow and until further notice we will be dropping her off at Krystal Jordan's.

Exum's mom is sleep training baby. Grandma is there right now so mom can get some needed rest.  Grandma is just as pleasant and happy as Exum's mom is. I always enjoy our stop out there. 

Stops went so smoothly today we actually ended up ahead of schedule, just enough that we drove past the north end of the lake on our way from Kallie's to Omari's, then we circled the lake again on our way to the grade school after picking up Aylise.

Sterling Lake is the lowest its been since we've moved here. You can see dry land all around the base of the island and almost under the bridge. The last time I remember it being like that was the first or second summer we were here when we had the Brownlee children over during the days while Larry and Amy were on a couples trip. It's crazy that our water table was completely full just this Spring. Those few weeks of 104° degree weather were really brutal on the land.

No-Labor Labor Day

 Labor Day- The day when we don't have to work. It's a little ironic and a blessing. Josh gave me the day off as a mom today so I could work on my Home Video Project. Labor Day also means a 4-day weekend for me with no PreK on Friday, and only a 4-day work week this week.

No PreK Today


 Preschool takes off two Fridays each month. No PreK Fridays always feel like a special treat because I can really get into a project without interruption. Today that looked like:  A little time at the piano, sorting papers and getting them into scrapbooks, and a general pick up of the house before the weekend.

Blocking Betsy

Bus #27 has been loosing .2 miles on the odometer between drives. We're not sure why, but it's let to me watching the mileage closely. Today I just thought this mileage was fun. Too bad it didn't loose another .1 mi to be 68888.8.

Vivian and her friends were in the middle of an attempt at a cheer-leading stunt when we drove by. No waves for us today.

Ryker's mom wasn't out and waiting like she usually is. In face, she took long enough to come to the door, Ryker had knocked several times and I had my phone out to call her. 

 As we pulled up to Lil' Cubs I was remembering all the times last year that Betsy Dutson got stopped by the bus and had to wait for us. She was usually facing us on her way back to the high school. Today, Kaci had to walk the girls all the way upstairs and when I looked up there was a small, red hatchback waiting behind me. I was just feeling sorry for them, when they gave up and turned around. Kaci returned and I was headed down the street and out of town to Exum's when I suddenly remember I had Everleigh. I stopped just past the alley behind the Med Center and looked over to turn, only to find the entrance was blocked by that same red hatchback driven by none other than Betsy Dutson!  I had to back up so she could pull out, so I could turn and pull in. Poor lady. I hope we're not in her away again all year.

It sounds like things with Everleigh are kind of up in the air. We drop her off at Ms. Sharron's on Tuesday then who knows after that. I sneaked a picture of our stop just in case it's one of our last.


Maxwell's have a little pasture on the way up to their house that has a couple of cattle and some three buffalo. I enjoy looking for them as we drive by each day. 

Ayven is at her mom's and doesn't need to be picked up.

No Kallie either. 
Kaci and I parked by the HS for a few minutes before picking up Omari.
Omari's little sister has the cutest wave. Today she also blew me a kiss. 
Jeremiah's glasses situation has been resolved. There were three pair of sunglasses sitting in the classroom. 

We picked up Aylise as usual, except Dad was outside with her. Mom came out just as were were pulling away. Then at the school, Dad pulled up behind me and picked Aylise up. They left in his truck.I thought it was weird, so I messaged Kaci in case she knew why. Kaci came out of the school and pulled her car around by the bus. She was just getting out to talk to me when Mr. Tommer pulled back up and dropped Aylise off for school. Hmmmm? No idea.

Balie found a library card for Ava Schmidt on the bus. Neither of us even know who that it! We have no idea how it got on the bus, especially since the kids tell us they aren't supposed to take their cards out of the Library. I'll send this to school with one of my girls tomorrow.

Morning Sunflowers


Dressed up Lil' Cubs, Missing Glasses, The Goose 'stache

From 77° to 90°during the course of the route. This day went from lovely to hot in a hurry. My nick is bothering me a bit today. I'm glad I'll be seeing Kiley tomorrow to have it adjusted. I think the bumpy bus makes it worse. 

The Lil' Cubs kids upstairs were all decked out in Police and Fire Fighter gear and lined up sitting in the window seal. It was a cute little picture, (though we were fast enough to catch them all sitting.)

Everleigh will be riding to Ms. Sharron's until Sep 6th, at which point nobody really know what will happen with her. 

The sunflowers are out and so are the road graders. Both are taking advantage of all that nice moisture while we still have it.

Back at Lil' Cubs in the afternoon, Leanna Hooks asked us to pass along the message that Jeremiah's sun glasses have all disappeared. He's not supposed to be outside without them. She's not sure if they are getting left at school or not coming back from home, but either way, they're all gone.

In other news, up near the college there's some new curb and gutter going in. We've been dodging the construction all week, but it looks like it will be all finished in a few more days.

Ayven's Dad was out on the sidewalk with Shelby to see Ayven off to school. He's sporting the new Goose crew cut & mustache look that is all the rage with the 20-30 somethings right now. It comes from the new Top Gun movie that was released this summer. You've think everyone would be wanting to look like Tom Cruise, but it's Goose that's setting the fashion trends this time.

XC Practice


I'm hanging out with Pamela Simpson, Abby Giles and their cross country team this afternoon. They've got a full crew this year with quite a few more runners than they had last year. Pamela likes to take her team out to different locations each Tuesday for a little bit of "hill" practice that her runners can't get around town. This afternoon we are down by Jessica Schmidt's house on 17th Road and Ave Y. There's an access road down there that leads to Brian and Nancy (Pamela's sister) Inwood's property down by the river. 

I got a chuckle out of Pamela's instructions to her runners. "We'll be running down a path through the corn fields. It's not my corn. Don't touch it. Schecter's have cows out in the pasture right now. There's an electric wire fence around them. It's HOT! Don't touch it. I know most of you are smarter than that but I don't want to see anyone daring some city freshman to do touch the live wire." Good times.

In past years I've driven for all of the XC practices, but with Alexis in HS volleyball this year this is the only practice I'm available for. Alexis is actually playing in Sedgwick today, and I was hoping I might be able to catch a stream of her games while the team was out on their run. I spent the entire time unsuccessfully trying to find a live stream that worked. I think I may have even subscribed to some bogus even links that were set up to look like streams of actual high school sporting events. The links required a $1 subscription to "verify location." I tried three times before suspecting it was a scam. I can't believe the effort that hackers put into this. I convincing links to legitimate high school sporting events posted on YouTube every hour the day or so leading up to the event. The name associate with each was different but many of them look middle-eastern. So weird! I'll be canceling my credit card and asking for a new one to be issued in the very new future.


I'll be canceling my credit card in the very near future. 

Long-lost Treasure

 I found all kinds of ancient trash on the floor and seats of Bus #29 today. It appears to have been pulled from deep in the corners of the seats, almost like a squirrel got loose in the bus. Among the rubbish I found this treasure: A 1 Place 4-speaker State Debate Medal from 2015.

I posted my find in our Bus Driver group chat. Rick responded, "Are you sure it's not just a scheme to get the buses deep cleaned? My grandpa "planted" a silver dollar in his garden where I was sure to find it while pulling weeks. We never found and more but he had the most weed free garden around." 🤣

Surely someone has been missing this!

I've been seriously baffled at how the trash would have gotten there in that manner and the medal would be right on the seat in plain sight? 🤔 Then it dawned on me. This summer I saw the doors to one of the buses wide open on several occasions. It was the bus on the far right which would have been either #29 or #30. I bet we did have a little squirrel visitor who came and went as he pleased for a little while. How nice of him to help us clean out our nooks and crannies.

Update: The medal has been returned to its rightful owner! I sent to to school with Alexis to give to Mrs. Dutton. If anyone would know who this treasure belonged to it would be Betsy. Apparently, Kacie Wilson has been lamenting her missing medal for years.

Little thoughts on a Typical route.

 Vivian and her friend, Laikyn have become our School Bus Cheerleaders. Their class is usually outside for recess when we pull away with the AM kids. The girls run to the edge of the playground to wave as we drive past. Today the playground was empty. I missed seeing them.

It's hot and humid out today, but I'll take it to keep the rain we've had the past few nights. The skies have been clear but the ground is damp every morning. It's makes a big difference in the amount of dust we have on the dirt roads, and how pleasant the view is as we drive past revived fields. 

The highway construction has begun working on the segment that will connect the new highway to the existing road north of Sterling. Traffic is currently being routed to a temporary road just west of the construction. The speed limit through that section is 30 around the slight bend onto the new road, then a painfully slow 40 mph for a mile or so, then 30 again as the road bends back to the existing road just north of the Alden blacktop. Yesterday we passed an officer who had pulled someone over in that area. If I didn't have cruise control that could easily be me.

Yesterday, Alayna's mom was inside an didn't hear us pull up, or hear Kaci knocking at the door. We finally called her and she waved at us from inside. Today, she was outside waiting for us.

In fact, all of our morning kids were super efficient. We got through the AM route with 10 minutes to spare. Kaci and I parked at the intersection just north of Kallie Gillespie's house and chatted for a little bit before starting the PM.

The Lil' Cubs kids have been out on the playground lately and come running to line up at the gate as the bus approaches. Today we noticed several without backpacks and Jeremiah was missing his cane. The gal who was watching them today said it had been a crazy morning. We waited while Kaci followed her in to retrieve the missing items. 

Ayven had the cutest hairstyle today: Two braids coming up from the back of her head then tied into her ponytail.

We've got quite the crew in the afternoons but more then half of them get on at Lil' Cubs so it goes by quickly.

That plastic console cover that's just to the right of my legs while driving is loose and keeps shifting while driving. I finally took a closer look and realized it was missing the two screws that hold it in place. I sent Jim and Amy a picture of that as well as a few other minor repairs I've noticed the past week. I sat on the bus so long looking at that and filling out my daily paperwork that the alarm went off. I don't know why I have such a hard time remembering that on this bus.

Morning Train, New Student: Amilya, Forgetful Jim

I subbed for Balie this morning.  Her route looks quite a bit like last year, except out-of-district students we used to pick up are being asked to come in to two designated stops. Corvin SanMiguel is one of those.  He was at the access road off Ave S & K-14 ready as de waiting for me.  I asked where Balie normally stops for that pickup today was his first time riding all year and he didn't know. 

Justin Bagby got tall over summer break! That seems to happen to a lot of 8th graders.

I got blocked by a parked train near the  Ethanol plant.  We had to turn around and go around the mile block to get past it.

Maxwell's had their pet pig out to say "Hi" this morning. That thing cracks me up.

There were to families waiting at the new out-of-district stop at the church just past Ave S on 22nd. It's actually a pretty great location for a bus stop. 

Other than that all was business as usual. I did ask Laikyn so say hello to Vivian for me since I didn't get to see her before I left this morning.

We added a new student to our PreK route. She's a foster child who is staying with Kevin & Ashley Laudermilk and will be dropped off at Lil' Cubs. Lydia called me on Friday to fill me in on a little bit of necessary information. Her birth mom was a student in Sterling at one point and could possibly have current ties here. The Laudermilk's are really concerned that Mom may show up at some point and try to take Amilya, so Kaci will be walking her all the way into little cubs each day. We both have a picture of the mom so we can be on the watch. 

With all of that background I thought maybe today might be a little more eventful, but in all actuality today was pretty routine. Amilya got on like she knew just what to do. Nothing else about the route today was worth noting.   Oh, except that the rain this weekend made a bit difference in reviving the landscape. The vegetation isn't nearly so parched now.

I had a message waiting from Jim confirming that I was not planning to sub for Balie this afternoon. It's Monday so that means I have piano lessons after school, but it takes a bit each year for him to remember that. When I saw I was subbing for Balie today and that she was leaving at 7:00am with the cheerleaders I assumed only an AM sub was needed since I'd already emailed my piano lesson schedule AND given it to everyone at the bus meeting. Yesterday when Balie messaged me the info for her route she mentioned driving in the afternoon and I told her it wasn't me because I had piano. She messaged Jim, who didn't get back to either of us. But then Susan messaged Balie about driving her afternoon route. Then I get this message from Jim today asking if I was planning to drive. I don't quite understand why it has to be so complicated, but hopefully everything is worked out now.

No PreK, Sub for Balie

No PreK today. I subbed for Balie's PM so she could watch Macy's JH sports preview. It was really nice to see the other drivers at the Grade School (Jenny, Brad, Wendy, & Rick who was riding w/ Wendy).  I didn't think sharing a bus with Balie would make that big of a difference but I miss my daily walk and familiar sights on the East side of the Grade School and my daily messages with Wendy.

Balie's route is so much nicer this year.  Shorter route,  shorter bus.  Both are very helpful. I got a huge huge hug from Evelyn Payne. She's got such a cute new hair cut.  I overshot her stop today thinking it was past the trees not before them.  I just smiled big and waved at her confused Grandma, then backed the bus back off to let Evelyn and her cousin off. Grandma and I had a good laugh about that. 

#27 needs some minor repairs.  Torn seats and beveled step tread.

Enough Time for a District Office Stop

 Wednesday, August 24th. 

Alayna's mom came and pulled her off the bus today. She said she was already in town so she might as well pick her up. Since we already fueled the bus yesterday, today we stopped in at the district office. I had paperwork to turn in from last week anyway. Jim is out of the office today, but we really stop in to visit with Amy and Laurie.

Mrs. Anthony always passes through on her way from the Grade School to her Spanish Class. This is her last year of teaching. Kaci was talking with Cindy about how Lynlie is a leader in her classroom, "Future Teachers of America" she likes to call them. We got back to the bus late and were pushing time for the entire PM route.

We drove past the tennis courts and after months and months of having the space cleared and gravel spread, suddenly the concrete is poured and finished! I guess that's what happens when you don't drive past the High School for four days.

Spilled Fuel at the Co-op and Route Updates

 Tuesday, August 23

It's the second day of school. Originally my doctor had a screening scheduled for me on top of my route today but I felt like it would be really unfair to have Jenny drive for me when I didn't quite know what to expect out of my route myself. I rescheduled for another day.

 After what happened yesterday, I spent the morning re-doing the route so that the out-of-town kids were in the middle and the town kids were on either end. I use google maps so it isn't too tricky to move the stops around and see how long to plan for travel between each stop, but I have more stops in the complete route than Google maps allows so I had to split it and just make sure that between the two I was still getting the PM kids to school at the right time. 

Once I had the route settled the way I liked it, I messaged any parents that were affected by the changes by more than a few minutes. I wasn't able to reach anyone at Lil' Cubs but since their morning time was only a few minutes different and their afternoon time was later than they were planning I didn't worry too much about it.

I went ahead and switched Exum and Alayna Maxwell so we could drop Exum off first, then head back to the highway and take the blacktop across Saxman road and over to Maxwell's. That should give us better consistency when there's weather and the roads get really muddy. Plus, the roads are so dry and dusty right now, and that trip across Ave S seemed to take FOREVER yesterday.

I'm really glad I set things up that way. Alayna Maxwell had some sort of appointment today and her mom picked her up. Were were able to take Exum at the time his mom was expecting and then head back to town instead of going out to Maxwell's house. Since we are coming from the other direction to Exum's now, we turned into the driveway then asked his mom if it was possible to pull through on the road that looked like it wrapped around the house. Exum's mom peeked around the house and shook her head regrettably "no," there were toys in the way. I then motioned to the large grassy area in front of us and she happily agreed that we could turn around there every day. It's just the right size and works out really well.  

Not having Alayna gave us a bunch of extra time (after I very clearly told all the parents that our route was really tight this year). I asked what we should do, and she asked if the bus needed to be fueled. We were sitting at about half so we headed down to the Co-op. Kaci headed inside to chat and I swept out the bus while Larry fueled, checked fluids and cleaned the windshield. I decided I'd head to the back and clean up the rear windows. I was in the middle of that when I started to hear splashing and realized the fuel tank was overflowing. Diesel fuel was splashing everywhere, like a grand, expensive water fall. It was all over the bus and all over the blacktop.


Back inside, Larry asked me if I needed an electric bicycle. There was a lovely aqua colored once sitting in the middle of the office charging up. He, Vicki, and Kaci chatted about some older guy that I don't know who had just bought it right before he started having dizzy spells and his doctor told him he could ride his bike anymore. Now he cruses around town on a tricycle. I fiddled with a 3D puzzle made out of large nails and metal rings. It baffled me, and Vicki admitted that they had never seen it solved and suspected it couldn't be.

This year I had the route set up to go straight on 6th after picking up Omari, then go over to Broadway taking Ave V, and loop back South to pick up Ayven. Last year's habits got the better of  me and I automatically turned Left on Adams toward Lil' Cubs after Omari got on. We went ahead and stopped at Lil' Cubs then took 7th up and around back to Ayven's on Broadway. I think I'll make that a permanent change. No use fighting something that's working.

There was a big construction mess up on the corner of 7th & Ave V right there by Zimmerman's. It looks like they're getting ready for new sidewalks and curb & gutter. There wasn't much room for us to squeeze by but we made it.

Our timing for arriving at the Grade School for PM came out just about right. Not having that kid out at the sandpit on Sante Fe gives us just enough time for a comfortable route.

First Day PreK 2022-2023

Monday,  August 22, 2022 

It's a nice day for the start of PreK. 

As of this morning I still hadn't finished typing up my route.  I took about an hour this morning to finish that and made a call to Lil' Cubs to verify who would be riding this year and give them their stop times.

At 10:20 I gathered my things and headed out the door, dressed in my new "school clothes." You know,  first day and all. I'm excited for new beginnings.  

Bus #27 is my chariot for the year.  I'm sharing with Balie this year so I don't have to swap buses when the Horse Therapy kids take #21. It will be different not sharing with Wendy,  but we'll see what this new year brings. 

I wanted to give myself a full 30 minutes to re-familiarize myself and go over the bus.  I hadn't really driven #27 for a couple of years. The floors could use a good mopping and seats 3 & 4 on the driver's side have some damage,  but it should be a nice ride for us this year. It's weird to be back to using a manual door and I accidentally set off the alarm,  but I should be able to settle in quickly. 
I got my paperwork in order and carefully adjusted the seat, mirrors, and steering wheel.  I'm determined to be as nice to my aggravated right hip as possible this year. I got my paperwork in order,  posted my route up where I could see it, and pulled up to the school 5 minutes to 11:00.

Kaci was there,  ready and waiting. I handed her a copy of the route and we went over details. Today is the typical not-typical first day.  Many parents will be driving their kids today so they can get pictures.  I won't get a good feel for how the route runs in real time until tomorrow or Monday. 

Before I knew it our new crew was piling out the doors.  I forgot to ask Lydia if she would do name tags on the kids again this year. I was hoping she would stand by the door and tell me who each one was,  but she got tied up talking to a parent and the kids were were not going to wait. I resorted to asked each child their name as they got on.  We wouldn't want to mix up and leave the wrong kid at the wrong house! In all actuality the kids know more than we give them credit for. They are usually pretty got to tell me,  "I'm not Elliot" and "That isn't my house."

Blaise VonVelhuisen is out first stop. We had his brother Kaiser a few years ago. Their mom,  Dani VonV. is working for Cordell Chiropractic so we'll be pulling through the parking lot behind Jacam and letting him off near the back door of Cordell's.

Moody Weather

🌞🥶 From 70 degrees yesterday to 5 degrees this morning. How does a change that drastic even happen? I'm suprised the wings that blew through last night weren't stronger. I can't even say how grateful I am that I'm not feeling the changes as pressure in my head anymore. 

We had a bus meeting this morning,  which I was a few minutes late to because I didn't want to get out of my warm bed so the whole morning started off slowly.

Sub-state and State Basketball are upon us and Bus #29 is running on bad tires so there may be another large vehicle purchase happening in the very near future. Jim said if he could find an 11 passenger vehicle in good repair he'd pay cash for it today.  

We also had a good conversation on the care and cleaning of busses championed by Jenny & Wendy. I'm so out of the Activity Bus loop this year that I didn't even realize that was still an issue.  We dropped some great ideas for positive change, but nothing we didn't bring up last year: drivers cleaning and fueling when possible after trips,  holding teams and coaches accountable,  planning a bus cleaning party a couple of times each year.  Hopefully this time they'll become more than ideas. 

No Evelyn on route today.  She's having a tooth pulled.  We're actually parked at Everywhere park right now just passing the extra time.  Poor Addy is bored out of her mind! 

Sat, June 26 ?s from Shrine bowl

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Thur, June 23, 2021 How'd it go?

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Wed, June 23 Trick to #21?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Thurs, June 17 New Bus!

Thursday,  June 17, 2021

We'd, June 16 Info on Newbies

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Tuesday, June 15 Head Trainer

Tuesday, June 15,2021

Mon, June 14, 2021 More for Shrine Bowl

Monday, June 14, 2021

Tues, June 8, 2021 Shrine Bowl

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Mon, May 3 🎶 5th & 6th Shuttle

Monday, May 3, 2021

Fri, April 30 PreK to Great Bend Zoo

Friday, April 30, 2021

Thurs, April 29, 2021 Hi from Moab

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Wed, April 14 Exploration Place Trip?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Mon, April 12 Busses to Inman

Monday, April 12, 2021

New Magnet

Balie must have had trouble with the papers falling on her while driving too. Fancy new types schedule held up by a much stronge...