Good for today?
Ready to drive tomorrow?
Not thinking clearly
Concussion Day
Trim Trees for Rayf Pickup
Transit Windows for Curtis
Friday, September 18, 2020
12:59pm Me: Keys to the suburban and Expedition are in the box. Also, Curtis was out on a step ladder scrubbing the windows of the transit. Maybe we should have whoever fuels the transit wash the windows while they're there so de don't risk him falling off a ladder.
1:01pm Jim: Probably a good idea...
Rayf, early pickups?
Friday, September 11, 2020
10:55am Jim: Hey Kimberly, will you be available for Rayf's second pickup some days like we did last year?
11:11am Me: Remind me what that looked like? Seems like it was 10:00ish. Yes, depending on mom's wound care. She has appointments on Tuesdays but the time is inconsistent and I don't find out until the morning of.
11:14am Me: Also, I noticed there's an early dismissal day next week. It seems like I helped Wendy those days but I can't remember if it was taking Rayf home or driving her route. I am not available to drive the route this time but could probably do Rayf if needed.
11:51am Jim: Rayf is 10:15. If he needs a pickup on a day you are busy we'll figure something else out. I'll check with Wendy about early dismissal.
11:51am Me: 10:15 will work.
Missed that I'm Subbing for Kate
Friday, September 4, 2020
8:08am Me: Jim, I'm so sorry. It seems I somehow missed that I am subbing for Kate today. It's not on the schedule and I don't remember a conversation about it. I'm not in a position today to pick up that route. I apologize for the stress this is causing.
8:47am Jim: No need to apologize, if you didn't know about it that's my fault!! We'll get it covered.
8:50am Me: It may just as well have been mine. I do remember Kate asking about a Sub during hte bus meeting and you saying "that would be Kimberly." I didn't write it down or put it on my calendar. My poor brain is so full right now. I'm sorry.
8:50am Jim: Lol, it's fine.
New Magnet
Balie must have had trouble with the papers falling on her while driving too. Fancy new types schedule held up by a much stronge...

Friday, September 4, 2020 8:08am Me: Jim, I'm so sorry. It seems I somehow missed that I am subbing for Kate today. It's not on the...
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 7:59am Me to Jim: Maintenance Report: Bus #27 Step light is out and the emergency exit alarm is chirping like ...
I'm hanging out with Pamela Simpson, Abby Giles and their cross country team this afternoon. They've got a full crew this year wit...