Tales of a Bus Driver
New Magnet
Visiting Bear
Picture Day
It's picture day. My preschoolers all look so nice and cleaned up in their picture day clothes. All that is except Ronin who got on the bus from Lil' Cubs with his shirt all kinds of colors of lunch. His mom is in for a fun surprise. Kallie's rose colored, ruffle sleeved jumper was especially cute.
Kaci says she had a epic mom fail and forgot it was picture day. She usually has Linlee dressed to the 9s on any given regular day so I bet it's not as bad as she thinks. But she feels really bad about it.
I got a message from Olivia Glass's mom, Dorothy Mead this morning stating that she really needed my help getting Olivia to Alden today. She was home, not working at Lil' Cubs like usual, and she didn't have a car. I told her I was sorry but I couldn't alter the route like that or the entire PM preschool would be 20 minutes late to class. I suggested she call a family member, friend, or neighbor. My heart ached for her the entire route and I contemplated telling her that as an individual and not as an employee of the district, I could pick Olivia up in my personal vehicle and bring her home. The only draw back was that I went straight from my route to a funeral in Hutch and wouldn't be back in town until around 3:00.
My heart broke even more when after my route I found a message stating that she didn't have a family member, friend, or neighbor she could call on. I know how that feels. It helped me see how far I've come and how blessed I am to not be in that situation anymore. Dorothy said she'd call the district office and see what could be worked out. I haven't heard anything so I assume some solution was found.
Homecoming Assembly
It's Homecoming Week! This afternoon there was an assembly up at the high school and the grade school children were invited to attend. They were told to wear Black Bear gear, which I forgot all about. My girls were in their normal non-black bear clothes. I could see from the colors on the playground that they were among the very few who were not in black, grey and white. I contemplated running home after my route and dropping of shirts for them. Or possibly taking them to the assembly to throw on really quickly. As the day played out that never happened, but Vivian didn't care one bit and Isabel never mentioned it.
Aylise was wearing an adorable pre-school sized Black Bear cheer outfit that I'm sure her Grandma Tommer embroidered.
Mr. Riffel reached out to Wendy who reached out to the other drivers about shuttling the younger students up to the assembly. There was text conversation bouncing back and forth throughout the day. I first heard from Ms. Lydia asking if I could bus the preschoolers. Then, Balie and I worked out that she would pick up a big bus and I would take the shorter one, then I'd switch her for her route and go park the big bus for her. Then I called her because I realized that didn't make much sense. I would be better for her to leave the big bus at the school then go park it after her route because she'd have a car parked up at the lot. Then Wendy called saying we didn't really need to be taking four different buses and could I just use a big bus and take preK and kindergarten. That meant Balie wasn't driving a shuttle at all. Since I was still trying to emotionally process everything we learned from Isaac's heart doctor this morning I called Balie and asked if she wouldn't mind driving preK and Kindy instead. So after all that back and forth all day, I ended up not driving at all. Earlier today I had thought to get a picture of the grade-schoolers at the assembly that I could use for this post, but I ended up spending the afternoon at home napping off some emotional exhaustion.
Isabel and Vivian said the assembly was fun. Mostly because Mrs. Beagley dressed in full football gear and tackled her son who is a player. Some of the other football mom's did as well, but Mrs. Beagely is special because she's Vivian's teacher.
Oh, also, Balie left a bag of wire hangers on the bus for us to give to Dani VonV. I believe she's getting clothing ready for the upcoming consignment sale. Just a little something out of the norm.
A Chat with Exum's Mom, The Famous Mustache, Schneider's Tree House.
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Beautiful September
New Magnet
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