These were posted outside Mrs. Anthony's door across the hall from the room we use for bus meetings. She always has these of the students in her class but these are Theo and Louis Wenzel. It made me smile. I snapped a picture and send it over to Risa in case she hadn't seen them yet.
Bus Meeting
Jenny has some road issues out past the S curve on the way out to Heater's. Brad has some concerns about early Wednesdays and Wendy's kids having to wait at the grade school while she drives Rayf home, especially when Rayf's paras don't get him loaded on time. That let to concerns about there not being any supervision and drop off or pickup at the grade school this year. In the past Mr. Riffel has been there to welcome students in the morning, and there's always been a teacher who comes down to the commons area to supervise as kids load.
Outside of that we just talked about the schedule for February. I feel a little guilty listening to the other drivers talk about their complaints. My roads are fine, my kids are great, and Jim has worked really hard to keep my schedule manageable for me. I still feel bad that I don't cover as many routes or take as many trips as I used to, but for the first time in a long time I feel like my life back in balance.
AM: No Everly or Amari. Amari is still sick and Everly has an appointment of some sort. It's nice having Linlee in preschool this year because Kaci always seems to know what's going on with the kids. Jeremiah was such a sweetheart today. He always makes sure he tells Linlee good buy as he gets off the bus, but today he also remembered me. "Bye, Ms. Kimberly. Have a good day!" He's getting pretty good with the cane of his. Today he stopped to notice a bit of white paint that extends from the parking stalls up onto the sidewalk. I wonder if the contrast is easier for him to see. Actually, I wonder just how much he sees at all.
PM: Evelyn had these HUGE pink sunglasses on today and she was so funny about them. Each time a new kid would get on she'd ask if they liked her glasses then she'd tell all about them. "Ya, these are Barbie glasses. Do you have glasses like this? I just wanted to wear them today.)
Little Cubs must have been short staffed or something today. There was no one waiting when we dropped off the AM kids and Kaci had to actually go in the building and all the way down the hall to find an adult. Then it took a really long time for Newton to come down.
Last week Newton left his hat on the bus. It's a special hat, so I walked all the way around the school to drop it off at the office even the there was a chilly wind blowing. Today I asked if I could get a picture of him wearing it. It's so cute!
We passed the JH kids again today walking from the east side of the building around the south side and back in through the JH entrance on the west side. Isaac says the for some reason that's the way they walk to get back to the Junior High wing after lunch each day. I wonder if it's so they don't disrupt the high school classes in session by walking through the halls, or if the teachers are just trying to burn off a little extra energy by making them walk around the long way. Maybe both.
No Gavin today. He wasn't outside waiting for us but I pulled into the drive anyway since the last time is was super cold outside we missed him and I had to go back after dropping off all the other kids to pick him up.
The bus guy was waiting for me at the grade school when I parked the bus. He's here to fix the buzzer on the right side emergency exit window.