Thur, Feb 25: #20 Door Lock Stuck
Wed, Feb 24: No #20 until Leak is Fixed
Swap #30 for #29 at Inman
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
2:08pm Jim: 29 is done, you have time to take 30 up there and swap it?
2:12pm Me: Yep.
2:13pm Yea! Thank!
2:13pm Me: Is there anything I need to ask or look over when I go?
2:16pm Jim: Nope, it was just a big radiator hose that blew.
2:17pm Me: Well that's good news!
2:17pm Jim: VERY
3:54pm Jim: Did it drive ok on the way home?
4:12pm Me: Yep. No problems. I hope #30 will perform for them. It's warm today and I didn't get a single light flashing on the trip over there.
4:12pm Jim: Of course not. I'm sure it will be perfect🙄
Rack up some miles on #20
Monday, February 22, 2021
4:23pm Jim: Hey Kimberly, I need you to drive 20 on your route for a while. We need to rack up some route miles on that baby.
5:18pm Me: 👍will do.
Subbing for Kate, correct?
Friday, February 19, 2021
2:10pm Jim: You are subbing for Kate tonight, correct?
2:17pm Me: Correct. Thanks for checking in.
Forensics Trip?
Sub since Balie didn't pass.
New Magnet
Balie must have had trouble with the papers falling on her while driving too. Fancy new types schedule held up by a much stronge...

Friday, September 4, 2020 8:08am Me: Jim, I'm so sorry. It seems I somehow missed that I am subbing for Kate today. It's not on the...
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 7:59am Me to Jim: Maintenance Report: Bus #27 Step light is out and the emergency exit alarm is chirping like ...
I'm hanging out with Pamela Simpson, Abby Giles and their cross country team this afternoon. They've got a full crew this year wit...